Jan Cummins - Counselor at Law


Q: What is Special Needs Law?


Special Needs Law is the law surrounding the rights and concerns of people who are disabled or otherwise eligible for government benefits due to their particular physical or mental limitations. Special Needs Law covers much more than the creation of a Special Needs Trust, as it requires knowledge of available government benefits and their relative importance for a given individual situation.

Special Needs Law also involves an understanding of the differences in the needs of disabled people of different ages and/or types of disabilities, including the relative severity of the particular disability and its impact on the family of the individual as well as on the disabled person. Those concerns may be very different from those of elderly people. Also, the available services are likely to be more limited than are those for elderly people. Many of the government benefits rules are different for people under the age of 65 from those for people over the age of 65.

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